Corporate sales
Providing consulting service for enriching life through Japanese tea

What Japanese tea do you use?
Drip Tea Bag Hojicha (5g x 6 bags)
What is your favourite special way of preparing Japanese tea?
I prepare ginger hojicha by mixing a little grated ginger with hojicha. Combining the wonderful aroma of hojicha with the sharp, spicy taste of ginger allows me to enjoy a slightly different kind of hojicha.
How do you enjoy it?
I drink it at night before my day off, when I want to rest up after a long day’s work, or when I want to spend time relaxing. The aroma of hojicha soothes me and the sharp taste of ginger warms me up. It warms me from the inside, allowing me to sleep easily and rest well. I recommend it during this time of year when it’s getting cold.
Kaboku Tearoom
Providing the setting for enjoyable times with delicious Japanese tea

What Japanese tea do you use?
What is your favourite special way of preparing Japanese tea?
I make milk pudding using Uji-Shimizu, milk, and gelatin.
- 15g of Uji-Shimizu
- About 300~400ml (2 coffee mugs worth) of milk
- About 5g of gelatin
How do you enjoy it?
I prepare the ingredients in the morning on my day off, and let it cool in the refrigerator. I look forward to the sweet pudding as I do my daily chores, and when I’ve finished with everything, the pudding is ready, having reached just the right temperature. I like to relax and watch one of my favourite movies, enjoying the pudding, perhaps with hot sencha, depending on how I feel that day.
Production technology engineer
Like a master carpenter supporting Ippodo behind the scenes at the production plant.

What Japanese tea do you use?
One-Pot Teabag Iribancha (Kyobancha) 18 bags
What is your favourite special way of preparing Japanese tea?
- I use iribancha in fish nitsuke (Japanese simmered fish). When used in mackerel nitsuke, it does a particularly good job of removing odour and giving the dish a pleasant aftertaste.
- Use One-Pot Teabag Iribancha prepared stronger than normal instead of water. You can also use whatever other seasoning you like. I also recommend it in nitsuke made with mackerel, sardines, or young yellowtail.
How do you enjoy it?
Besides using iribancha in nitsuke, I also put cold iribancha in a coffee mug, and place it by my bedside before going to bed. I don’t like caffeine, but iribancha is low in caffeine, so I can drink it before going to sleep, or in the middle of the night.