Steak with Genmaicha

Steak with Genmaicha

Genmaicha goes well with any sort of meal. Ippodo’s Genmaicha has a high proportion of leaves to genmai (brown rice). Enjoy the light flavor of the tea and the gentle aroma of the roasted genmai. Steak has a satisfying texture and a flavor that grows as you bite into it. For drinking along with your steak, genmaicha is a light tea that lets the meat’s flavor stand out, adding a soothing aroma that lingers in the mouth. Choose teabags to take the work out of preparing your tea.

2 teabags
Chilled water
(1 liter/1 qt)
Brew for 1 hour
Brew genmaicha in chilled water.
Simply add chilled water to the teabags 1 hour before mealtime.